Now take into consideration that most entry level domestic machines cost roughly the same as our Jack F4 or even more. Depending on the machine, replacement parts, warranty support you may be forced to purchase another domestic machine far sooner than you intended. This will often lead to the domestic machine failing prematurely. You might get away with sewing heavy materials on your domestic machine but you are putting a lot of stress on the internal components and motor. The motors on industrial machines are many times stronger than domestic machines and designed to sew through multiple layers of thick materials and not get bogged down, while still being able to sew seams on light fabrics beautifully.

Industrial sewing machines were designed to handle all manners of materials and sew beautiful seams without issue. If you often work with heavy wool, denim, leather, canvas or other heavy weight materials an industrial sewing machine is ideal for you. You might want to consider an industrial sewing machine if: You Work with Heavy Materials I will spend this blog going over various reasons why you might want to consider an industrial machine for your sewing needs.

There are certain instances where you might be better off owning just a domestic machine. The truth is, industrial sewing machines are not for everyone. I could sit here and tell you you need an industrial sewing machine, just to try and boost sales.but I won't.