
Reaver pro and xiaopan os
Reaver pro and xiaopan os

reaver pro and xiaopan os

Is your wireless card in monitor mode (yes/no)? yes 3. What is the signal strength of the Access Point you are trying to crack? -50 4. What is the manufacturer and model # of the device you are trying to crack? linksys e2000 5.

reaver pro and xiaopan os

What is the entire command line string you are supplying to reaver? reaver -i mon0 -c 11 -b. vv (have also tried -mac= -n -w and -a) 6. Please describe what you think the issue is. reaver keeps trying the 12345670 pin over and over again always giving the exact same error as in the title 0x02. I have read several articles on here all saying different solutions but none of them seem to work for me. I am using an alfa AWUS036nh, if that makes any difference, a few people mentioned it.

Reaver pro and xiaopan os